C-19 Protocols

Quick Points
- Optional PPE for all appointments.
- Clients have the option to enter the clinic wearing a mask and have the option to wear it for the duration of their appointment at the clinic.
- Upon entry, a sanitizing station will be located near the entrance for your convenience. Please utilize before & after your appointment.
- All receipts will be sent electronically. Receipt printing will be done on request.
Our regulatory college, College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO), have worked in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and the Province of Ontario to determine these guidelines be put in place for therapists. These are directives from our governing body and without them in place we would not be able to operate.
Any person with symptoms or concerns will be asked not to attend their appointment and will be referred to call their physician for further instruction.
What will a massage during Covid look like?
PPE: Please arrive to the clinic wearing a clean properly fitted mask that covers your nose and mouth. Your RMT will follow the protocols of the Ministry of Health and Public Health of Ontario and will be wearing a properly fitted medical procedural grade mask. Other PPE gloves, safety glasses, shield apron/smock are recommended and will be determined by the therapist after assessing risk.
Hand Hygein: You will be asked to wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the studio and again before you leave. RMT’s are already trained in proper hand hygiene and will continue these practices.
Payment: Payment can be made with your credit card through our Jane.App online system, with email transfer or cash.
Active screening – a confidential online questionnaire will be emailed to you 24 hours prior to every treatment screening for COVID-19 symptoms as well as an in-person screening upon your arrival to the studio.
Your therapist will ask you if you reviewed our policies.
Passive screening- please read and adhere to the signage posted on the front door and throughout the clinic.
Practices for Soul Hands Massage Therapy Clinic:
Members of Soul Hands is required to check their temperature prior to their shift.We are educated and trained in hand hygiene and PPE use for the purpose of infection control and prevention.We are required to demonstrate proper hand hygiene when entering/exiting the clinic, entering/exiting treatment rooms, after contacting certain surfaces, soiled linens and with any direct contact with others.We are allowing more time between appointments so the treatment room, bathroom, high contact areas etc. will all be disinfected between clients.The tables are always prepped with fresh new linens for each client.
We will ensure all surfaces you may come in contact with are easily disinfected.
Disinfection Procedures between patients:
Therapist will wash their hands, arms and elbows thoroughly and immediately after treatment with soap and warm water before directing the patient out of the clinic. Therapist will immediately disinfect any area used with the patient. This includes any equipment or tools used, treatment tables, stools, door handles, common area surfaces, washroom, handrail, mobile device or tablet, etc.Therapists will wash their hands again after stripping the table and disinfecting.
Disinfection Procedures at end of day:
Deep clean and disinfect all other areas of the clinic that are “traffic areas”. This includes entry, handrail, hallway, washroom, floors and office.Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of treatment room and floors.
Soul Hands Massage Therapy Clinic will keep a log of every person entering the clinic each day to help with contact tracing in the event there is an exposure to COVID 19.